“I called BWC less than a half-hour ago because my car wouldn’t start. The roadside service fellow has already been and gone; he arrived, jumped the battery, and left. That was fast! Thank you, BWC!”

“Called today during a snowstorm because I did not have our member number. The call was answered promptly, and the staff person (Stephanie) was able to provide me all the information I needed, including the member number and emergency call number. I was never put on hold or transferred to another person. Service was ABSOLUTELY the best I have had from a service rep, anywhere, in a very long time. It was like calling my next-door neighbor!!”

“Thanks for this info (regarding our discounts). It was immediately and significantly helpful. The discounts using the codes on the brochure made a big difference. Two nights in Roanoke, at about a $20 savings off of what I found if I went to the hotel’s website (Days Inn in Salem) and three nights in Atlanta at the Wyndham Galleria at a nightly savings of at least $10 maybe more like $20.”

“Also, I’m really pleased that I found Better World; it really suits the values of my family and, by the way, my congregation and my grad students. I don’t know how many in either group belongs to any auto club or travel club, but they surely would be ashamed not to join up with BW if they ever join any. :)”

“Thanks again for your prompt and courteous and helpful support.”

“I had a fantastic experience with Better World Club’s roadside bicycle assistance program. My wife and I signed up for a plan that includes bike coverage prior to a long touring trip we took from Boston MA to Niagara Falls NY. Thank goodness we did — while we were riding through rural upstate NY, a spoke on my wife’s back wheel snapped, rendering her bike unrideable. We called the Better World Club right away, and after a few short questions, the operator arranged to have both my wife and I, and both our bikes, picked up and taken to the nearest bicycle shop, about 10 miles away…”

“This claim was the only time so far that we’ve needed to use our BWC coverage, but it was exactly what we needed in that situation, so we’ll definitely keep our memberships active in case we run into issues on future rides!”

“I don’t think you use BetterWorld. The other guys are waaaaay in the wrong political arena. And this newsletter is really wonderful–they say what they’re thinking, not just what’s politically acceptable.”

“Thank you Noah/Better World Club Team!! My husband Marc and I share your vision as well, living a green lifestyle (own/drive a Prius and a Leaf). Looking forward to another year – Green On!!”

“I love your irreverent style. When I had to call your service to get my car going again, it was perfectly painless.”

“I am not really a big environmentalist but I hate AAA and its assumption that members want them to advocate for the interests of drivers and driving at the expense of everyone and everything else, including pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. I value BWC because it offers roadside service for both my bike and car and avoids subsidizing AAA’s car-centered advocacy.”

“You communicate well with members. I feel well informed about what you’re up to and what services are available to me.”

“I’ve called twice for help with flat tires. Both times someone showed up in less than 40 minutes, and did a better repair job than I had hoped for.”

“Roadside assistance service is fantastic. The phone operators are kind and service arrives promptly. I’ve always had fantastic experiences.”

“When I’ve needed to use you, I cannot tell the difference between your service and when I used AAA. So, you are doing a job as well as they did, but I get all the environmental advocacy in addition.”

“I was delighted to switch to BWC several years ago when I learned about the company. I had been a member of AAA for more than 30 years at the time and never liked their politics but needed to have reliable roadside assistance. One of my cars is a 1970 MG, and if you know anything about older British cars… BWC’s philosophy and environmental and social concerns align very nicely with mine.”

“Roadside assistance was fantastic when my engine blew in the wilds of west-central PA last spring.”

“I purchase memberships for both of my children as ”stocking stuffers” every year. You have responded to their needs quickly, pleasantly, and efficiently. That puts me at ease!”

“Your Kicking Asphalt newsletter is one of many that come to me thru email. It is one of few I actually read and enjoy.”

“Your newsletter is full of stimulating information–not only revealing the truth about companies/regulations that are unfair, unconscious, or downright despicable but also highlighting positive efforts and developments for a better world. Really appreciate it. And also enjoy your sense of humor.”

“My alternator gave out suddenly one night. I was stranded on a frontage road near the freeway, in the dark, in the rain, a couple of hundred miles from home late on a weekend night. When I called BWC, your representative asked if I was in a safe place, dispatched a tow truck, and asked if I needed help finding a hotel for the night. Needless to say, I was impressed. It’s good to know folks like you have my back!”

“I’ve found ordering maps to be extremely easy!”

“We signed up for the bicycle roadside service before a touring trip, and when we had a spoke break, the roadside service was prompt and very very helpful.”

“When I call a real person answers the phone. That is way cool.”

“I locked myself out of my car and help came in less than 15 minutes! Remarkable! I have shared my appreciation for your newsletter with friends (and even strangers!) because I love your environmental advocacy…. and humor.”

“Great, professional roadside assistance during my first year. Excellent customer service and a refund when I missed out on the renewal benefit AND accidentally chose the extra distance from home option. The excellent customer service really registers with me — you cared more about retaining me as a very satisfied, long-term client than making a few extra dollars off me and potentially leaving me dissatisfied. Very classy! Very people-oriented. And you had me at sustainable…”

“I’ve had a couple of instances when I needed assistance (dead battery, keys locked in car) and the response was fast, easy, and friendly. Of course, we started with the Better World Club because of its social and environmental interests, but I’m also glad we switched because of the excellent service! “

“I saved a lot on Motel 6 price reductions when I traveled in September.”

“You serve your market with intelligence and humor. I didn’t feel like I was a family member when I had AAA, but I feel like an important part of a socially-conscious family with you. Keep the newsletters coming.”

“Thanks very much! I switched to BWC because I believe you share my values and concern for sustainability. The hybrid discount is a great added bonus. It’s great to see businesses thrive on a positive progressive message.”